May 25, 2024
Attraction Marketing – Why it’s killing your business!

But for most people it is a convenient way out and it is killing their business.

Let me explain; Attraction Marketing is the term used to describe people coming to you as opposed to you pushing your business on to people. How cool does that sound? Instead of cold calling, selling, hassling and pushing the business and products people come to you and ask if they can join your business and buy your products instead. How amazing is that? Fact or fiction?

Well the truth is that it is possible to make this happen in time if done right. But just like the movie “The Secret” people read into it what they want to and use it as an excuse to avoid pain and rejection. For example, after the movie “The Secret” was released (I presume you have seen it) people were complaining that they were visualizing their dream car, dream house, lottery winnings etc but they never came to fruition. The Secret was obviously a scam right? Wrong. The principals of the secret work if you work at it. Your dream life doesn’t just show up over night through visualization and I think people knew that.

It’s the same with attraction marketing. People are fearful about picking up the phone and calling leads, they procrastinate about building relationships and they are not prepared to go out and meet people face to face. These are the bare essentials in building a successful MLM business. So what do people turn to in order to avoid rejection and hard work? Attraction Marketing and the Internet.

“I know, I’ll use attraction marketing to make people come to me instead of making calls.” So they set up a Blog, post incredible status updates on Facebook, Tweet and maybe even set up a capture page and an auto-responder series.

The check their Facebook messages, emails and Blog comments, only to ask “why isn’t everyone wanting to join my business? I have been putting it out there that my business is so amazing, I put up on Facebook how good my products are and I even have a few people opt in to my website. I don’t understand why I don’t have dozens of people lining up to join my business.”

You see people will spend all day on Facebook “chatting,” posting messages, spam and updating their status to avoid phone calls, meetings and rejection. People will not come to you asking to join your business through attraction marketing initially. You can waste 2 years trying that and sign up 0 people and wonder what is going wrong. Or you can understand how it really works, set up an attraction marketing system that will really work for you in your spare time while spending your productive time enrolling people and growing your business.

Be very careful about your perception of attraction marketing and be very, very careful about teaching it to your team, it may just be the thing that stops them doing the every day activities that work in MLM.

Attraction marketing is best utilized, taught and understood offline first. Here it can work for you in a big way quickly and initially with your business. Meet people, phone people, build relationships but don’t “pitch” your business. Ask about them, take an interest and then briefly explain what you do. If they show interest then you can expand on your business. This is attraction marketing – you have built some quick rapport, maybe even a relationship and now they like you and want to know more.

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